Arizona 9-1-1 FY2024

Rave Citizen Info Registration

Introduction: "The Arizona 911 Program is proud to announce a significant advancement in our public safety communication capabilities. In our commitment to providing timely and efficient emergency services, we have implemented the Rave Alert System, a robust and comprehensive emergency notification solution designed to serve the 81 Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) throughout Arizona."

System Description: "The Rave Alert System is an integral part of our ongoing efforts to enhance Next Generation 911 services. It enables rapid dissemination of critical information during emergencies, directly from our PSAPs to you. Whether at home, work, or on the go, Arizonans can now receive instantaneous alerts about severe weather, public safety threats, traffic disruptions, and other urgent events."

Additional Information:  "For more details on how the Rave Alert System works and how it can help you stay safe, please visit our Information Page."

User Instructions: "To stay informed and prepared, we invite all residents and visitors to register for these vital alerts. Enrollment is simple: visit our sign-up page, enter your contact details, and choose the locations you wish to receive alerts about. You can opt to receive notifications via text, email, or voice message — whichever method is most convenient for you."  Step-by-Step Instructions walk you through the registration. process.

Call to Action: "Take a moment to Register for Emergency Alerts now and ensure that you and your loved ones are always in the know during critical situations."

Note regarding Smart 9-1-1 Signup Tool:  

Most agencies in Arizona do not participate in receiving the "Share my 911 Profile" from the Smart 9-1-1 platform when you dial 911, as it is an additional cost, meaning they will not see the medical information you entered. 

Instead, smartphones such as iPhones and Androids already have medical profiles that can be filled out.  Many 9-1-1 centers can access that information with existing technology tools at their agencies at no additional cost.