TC Reclassification Bill Introduced in the Senate | Show YOUR Support!

Thanks to you, telecommunicator reclassification legislation is gaining momentum in Congress! Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Martin Heinrich (D-NM), and John Thune (R-SD) have introduced the Enhancing First Response Act (S. 3556), a companion bill to the House's 911 SAVES Act (H.R. 6319).
Click here now to help NENA fight for reclassification by urging your members of Congress in both houses to support these bills! It'll take less than five minutes of your time.
This legislative effort would reclassify Public Safety Telecommunicators as a “Protective Service Occupation” in the federal government's Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system. The SOC currently categorizes 9-1-1 professionals as “Office and Administrative Support,” which is based on an outdated, misinformed view of the essential, life-saving work performed by telecommunicators and it must be changed.
Click here to ask your Representative and Senators to support reclassification and help the 100,000 telecommunicators in our country get the respect they deserve.
This no-cost legislation has broad support from the 9-1-1 community; it’s good governance, it's cost-free, and it’s a much-deserved recognition for our nation's 9-11- professionals.
NENA CEO Brian Fontes said, “9-1-1 has come a long way since the days when it was primarily a call-intake-and-referral function. Today, 9-1-1 professionals rely on highly specialized protocols, training, and equipment to provide life-saving triage to citizens and critical information to field responders. They are certainly ‘first responders’ and should be recognized as such. We applaud Senators Klobuchar, Blackburn, Heinrich, and Thune for their bipartisan leadership on this important issue.”
Please share this info with your coworkers and colleagues and ask them to take action with us in support of telecommunicator reclassification!