The Arizona 9-1-1 Program is administered by the Arizona Department of Administration and has the responsibility for administering and disbursing the revenues collected through the Emergency Telecommunication Services Revolving Fund pursuant to A.R.S. 41-704. This fund derives its revenues from a Telecommunication Services Excise Tax for traditional wireline, wireless and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phones and through the Prepaid Wireless Telecommunications E911 Excise Tax.
The 9-1-1 Excise Tax in Arizona is $.20/month for wireline, wireless and VoIP services. The prepaid wireless tax is eight-tenths of one per cent of the gross proceeds derived from the retail sale of prepaid wireless telecommunications service. The tax and earned interest generates approximately $18 million each year to support the operations and maintenance of 9-1-1 services in the state pursuant to A.A.C. R2-1-401 through R2-1-411.
Agencies eligible to receive funding apply annually to the state 9-1-1 Program and are awarded a grant for approved expenses. Expenses eligible for reimbursement include:
- Equipment or service for implementing and operating emergency telecommunication services through political subdivisions of this state.
- Monthly recurring costs of emergency telecommunication services, including expenditures for capital, maintenance and operation purposes
- Administrative costs or fees for consultants' services, not to exceed one-third of five percent of the amounts deposited annually in the revolving fund.
- A wireless carrier's costs associated with the provision, development, design, construction and maintenance of the wireless emergency telecommunication services.
For the Public:
The Top 10 Tips for Calling 9-1-1 page discusses when to call 9-1-1 and how to effectively communicate with 9-1-1 during an emergency.
A list of answers to Arizona 9-1-1 Program Frequently Asked Questions provides additional information about Arizona’s program services and functions.
If you are an individual or business that would like to test your telephone to ensure that your call is routed to the correct agency and your location is reported accurately, you will need to contact the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) in your area.

Engage effective systems, programs and funding to provide successful 9-1-1 operations for the citizens of Arizona.
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