Arizona 9-1-1 Program
Arizona 9-1-1 Program
Arizona 9-1-1 Program
Grand Canyon
Arizona 9-1-1 Program

Welcome to the Arizona 9-1-1 Program

This site provides an overview of the Arizona 9-1-1 Program for the public and resources, including funding opportunities, for the 9-1-1 professional community in Arizona. The Arizona 9-1-1 Program resides within the Arizona Department of Administration.

Next Generation 9-1-1

All the information related to the Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG911) migration across the State of Arizona.

NG911 AZ Photo
Current Projects

The link provides information about current projects the Arizona 9-1-1 Program is supporting.

Grants Resized
FY 2025 Grant Program

The FY2025 grant period opens on March 19th, 2024, and will close on April 30th, 2024. Grant awards will be announced Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Please check back for additional details.

Latest News

911 dispatcher
Meeting Date/Time: 09/27/2024 10:00 am-2:00 pm All attendees are required to RSVP, which can be done by completing the form below.
911 dispatcher
 For questions email [email protected], thank you!
911 dispatcher
 For questions email [email protected], thank you!
911 dispatcher
Lunch is available for purchase for this event, to purchase please visit the Attendee Registration page on our website. For questions email [email protected], thank you!